COU Campus


What is it?

A labyrinth is an ancient symbol that relates to wholeness.  It combines the imagery of the circle and the spiral into a meandering but purposeful path.  The Labyrinth represents a journey to our own center and back again out into the world.  Labyrinths have long been used as meditation and prayer tools.
A labyrinth is an archetype with which we can have a direct experience.  We can walk it.  It is a metaphor for life's journey.  It is a  symbol that creates a sacred space and place and takes us out of our ego to "That Which Is Within."

How to walk the Labyrinth

Enter the labyrinth slowly, calming and clearing your mind.  This may be done by repeating a prayer or chant.
Open your senses and focus on the process of taking slow and deliberate steps.  Bring to mind a prayer or spiritual question to contemplate during the walk to the center.
Reaching the center, pause to reflect, pray, and listen for an answer or for deeper revelation.  Now begin the return journey.  Pray or reflect further.  Upon exiting, absorb the experience with continued reflection, prayer, or journaling.

Where is it?

Once you arrive at the COU Campus, drive to the furthest part of the back parking lot.  To the left of the playground you will find the labyrinth painted on a big slab of concrete.

prayer & meditation room

Monday - Thursday: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Sunday: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Our Prayer & Meditation room offers a variety of materials to deepen your spiritual life by engaging in a time of reflection and connection.  

This space is designed specifically as a place for you to come and find quiet...  You will find available for your use: finger labyrinths, meditation pillows and music, singing bowls, flameless candles, comfortable chairs, a shoe rack, and essential oil diffuser.

Tree of Life

A Tree Grows on Hughes Road Because of You

The Gift is in the Giving

As we give, we are certain that the ripple effect of our ministry embodies the power of Jesus’ statement, “And I, when I am lifted up from earth, will draw all people to myself.”

The Tree of Life offers such an opportunity.  It is a permanent handcrafted artwork of leaves, acorns, and foundation stones.  Miniature plaques are individually mounted for the purpose of giving us each the opportunity to remember significant people, events, dates, achievements, or acts of service that are meaningful in our lives.  Each plaque will be engraved with a phrase of your choosing.

The Tree of Life also provides financial support that enhances our property and people.  It also symbolizes the blooming of our church.  Each leaf represents the growth and expansion of Center of Unity.  Each acorn is a seed that has the potential to become a mighty oak.  Foundation stones represent the strength of God’s abundant love and our faith in miracles that are manifesting.  The successes of our programs are guaranteed by a solid foundation.

The names on our Tree of Life leaves, acorns and foundation stones are precious to all of us because they represent the love we have for one another and our church.  It is done …there are more leaves, acorns and stones that will take us forward in our mission of bringing the kingdom of heaven to individual lives, our church and the planet.

Tree of Life Order form

Submit the form and we will get back with you to set-up payment arrangements.

Inner Journey Bookstore

Books for the Miracle-Minded

Monday – Thursday: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Sundays: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Inner Journey Bookstore provides a place to conveniently find items for your holistic and spiritual health needs.  We have a large selection of spiritual, metaphysical and inspirational books by leading spiritual authors such as Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer and Gregg Braden, as well as a large selection of New Thought authors, children’s books and more.
In addition, we carry CBD Oils and Gummies, Kneipp body products, 21 Drops, and inspirational cards.

Did you know that when you shop at Inner Journey you are supporting the church?  Inner Journey is 100% non-profit, and all of our proceeds go to the church.

We accept all major credit cards. Gift certificates are also available.