Kids Sunday School
We currently offer Sunday morning childcare for ages infant – 4 years old, Sunday School for 5 - 12 years old. We invite all other ages to join us in the sanctuary.
What to expect when we return to full youth services:
Before church begins, all ages meet in the assembly room for games, activities and fellowship. After class the children join the adults in the sanctuary for a few minutes of sharing their morning experience, and for the final song, and the Prayer for Protection. The children then return to their classroom to wait for their parents to sign them out.
*snacks are available in fellowship hall after church
Our “Youth Ed Dollar” program was started to add to our children’s enjoyment and is quite popular. After the parents pick up their children, they are free to take their dollars to the Youth Ed store to make their purchases.
Parent participation in our program is not only welcomed but strongly encouraged. If you would be interested in sitting in on a class, in helping one or more times a month in a class or even teaching a class, please let Mary Salerno or Debie Franz know.
What to expect when we return to full youth services:
Before church begins, all ages meet in the assembly room for games, activities and fellowship. After class the children join the adults in the sanctuary for a few minutes of sharing their morning experience, and for the final song, and the Prayer for Protection. The children then return to their classroom to wait for their parents to sign them out.
*snacks are available in fellowship hall after church
Our “Youth Ed Dollar” program was started to add to our children’s enjoyment and is quite popular. After the parents pick up their children, they are free to take their dollars to the Youth Ed store to make their purchases.
Parent participation in our program is not only welcomed but strongly encouraged. If you would be interested in sitting in on a class, in helping one or more times a month in a class or even teaching a class, please let Mary Salerno or Debie Franz know.
Nursery (Infants to 4 years)
Babies and toddlers are learning something every waking moment, and we want their church time to be a wonderful experience for them. Many special teaching aides are used for this age group and we ensure individual love and attention. Parents are invited to observe this special class any time.
Pre-K – 5th Grade
We want our kids to LOVE CHURCH! We have a creative, interactive environment for them to experience God’s love, love of others and love of life. Each week your child will enter an experience filled with exciting games, great music and creative learning. We connect with your child in an experience designed just for them.