sundays 10:30 am

We invite you to become a part of a loving, nurturing and supportive spiritual family.  As you discover the spiritual principles taught and exemplified by Jesus Christ and other Masters, you will begin your own personal transformation to living a happy, joyous and free life.

Each day we create the environment and opportunities for personal transformation through our practice of spiritual principles.  It is through this process that we will truly make a difference in our world.

sunday series

10:30 AM
When Jesus talked about the Kingdom of God, he was talking about an utterly different way of relating to human society as we know it.  He lays out a blueprint for this new life in his best-known teaching, the Sermon on the Mount, offering a plan for an alternative way of being.
Join us each Sunday in July as we take a look at the book by Richard Rohr, Jesus' Alternative Plan.


Services are uploaded here as well as to the COU App, our Facebook page and our Youtube channel so you will be able to enjoy them any time.


We are happy that you’re interested in Center of Unity!  We have so much to offer and you’re invited to visit our Sunday services, our classes and any special events we host.  You’re also encouraged to explore our website and if you have questions or comments, please feel free to contact us.  By experiencing the fullness of our spiritual community, you’ll have an opportunity to determine if we are a fit, as we are for so many.  You’ll find that we will always welcome you, free of judgement and full of love!

What Makes Us Different

COU is a different kind of church experience.  We are a spiritual center for inspiration and transformation, teaching and living principles that are life-enhancing, affirmative, and practical.  Reaching beyond that of traditional churches, our philosophy and teaching is based first upon the life and teaching of Jesus.  Concurrently, we are dedicated to teaching the foundational affirmative principles of Charles Fillmore.   Further, we draw insight from a broad spectrum of New Thought and other contemporary spiritual teachers and authors.  We are an exciting spiritual family that accepts everyone free of judgement and full of love.  You will love the COU experience.

We Are An Affirming Community, Embracing All People

Center of Unity is a community with a vision of touching others with the Christ Light and growing together on a journey of awakening. We see ourselves as both a church and a spiritual center striving to live out our vision of being free of judgment and full of love.

Sundays at COU

Our Sunday Service at 10:30 a.m. has several parts.  We start with the congregation singing the week’s two joy songs, followed by a welcome, meditation, and talk.  When the talk is over, a collection is taken during which we’re entertained with musical talent.  Most often, Bob Snook, our wonderful pianist, does one of the songs and a guest does the other.  This is also the time during which new guests are welcomed.  Last, but by no means least, the children come in from Youth Ed and share what they’ve learned.

You’re then invited to Fellowship Hall to meet people and to have coffee or tea and a snack.  That’s it!  It’s our hope that guests will take advantage of all that is offered on a Sunday and at other times.  It’s the best way to get a feel for all that is offered here.


Sundays | 10:30 am
Our wonderful Miss Brigette has begun Unity's Truth For Tots with our preschoolers. In the fall our 3yr olds - Kindergarten kiddos will continue their lesson  from What a Wonderful World. Our grade schoolers and older kids will continue exploring Unity principles through our Super Science Summer, that include science lessons and crafts to tie it all together.  Make sure they are dressed in clothes that they can get wet and messy in!

Childcare is provided for children 0-4 years of age, and Sunday School for ages 5 to High School.

Be sure to like our Facebook page #COUKids to see what we've learned each Sunday and any announcements reminders.

Classes & SERVICES

Weekly growth classes and services are offered with various workshops that will show you how to transform your life into the joyous experience that God meant for us all.
(click on the image to be re-directed to the live class or service)


Monthly Newsletter
Each month we send out an electronic newsletter with detailed information on special events, services, classes, business information and much more.  Visit the  eNews page to sign-up.

Sunday Service

Sundays | 10: 30 am
*in-person & online
Come enjoy our service in-person or from the comfort of your home every Sunday.  Simply visit us on Facebook Live or YouTube Live.  Our service is filled with music, meditation and an inspiring message .

Adult Sunday School

Sundays | 9:30 am
*in-person & online

Join us in-person or online for an interactive and lively discussion focused on the previous Sunday message.   

Each class is self-contained.

Metaphysical Bible Study

Tuesdays | 11:30 am
facilitated by: Norma Crawford
*online only  - 702 400 166
Join us each week for discussion of various aspects of the Bible.  These powerful lessons can turnaround any negative situation in your life and refocus your attention on the good that God is making available to you.  

Each class is self-contained.

Book Club

4th Saturdays | 11:30 am
*online only - 668 351 119
Join us each month on Zoom as we discuss different books.   This month we'll discuss "Tom Lake" by Ann Patchett.

Anyone and everyone is welcome, whether you've been before or not!

1st Sunday Lunch

First Sundays |11:45 am
*in-person only
Invite a friend and join us for the First Sunday Lunch.
Don’t miss this special time of fellowship with all your church buddies right after service!  
All for a love offering.

Centering Prayer

First Sundays | 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Facilitated by: Mark & Dawn Morris
*in-person only
Join us in the Prayer Room on the 1st Sunday evening of each month.  Centering Prayer is silent prayer, a type of Christian meditation. It is supported and promoted by a global organization, Contemplative Outreach.  We plan to do two 20 minute sits, then we will spend a few minutes in Lectio Divina, meditative scripture reading.

Summer Blood Drive

Sunday, July 7 | 8:45 am - 12:15 pm
*in-person only
Once again, summer blood supplies are low and people are in need.  Sometimes, important surgeries must be delayed because the supplies are low.  In donating a pint of blood, we are truly giving the gift of life! It takes so little effort on our part, but the return for the community and, potentially, our loved ones, is huge!
Let's make this drive a great success and help fill the banks so that all who need blood will have it!

Yoga Class

Saturdays, July 6 & 20 | 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Facilitated by: Amy Hairston
*in-person only
Transform your body and mind with yoga, while supporting the Grace Community Clinic! Join us for a gentle flow yoga class in the Fellowship Hall!  Bring a yoga mat and look forward to a fun and relaxing class! No prior yoga experience is necessary.
There is no charge for the yoga class, but please bring items to donate to the Grace Community Clinic: iron tablets 65 mg (325 mg Ferrous Sulfate), Tylenol, Aspirin, Calcium, or Neosporin (or go to to see other needed items).  

COU Volunteers
The Awareness Project

Second Saturdays | 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
*in-person only
Center of Unity will be volunteering at a community project, The Awareness Project, every 2nd Saturday of the month.  Think of it as an open house for volunteers; come at 10 and leave at 2 if you like, but you can also come for an hour, half hour, 2 hours, whatever your schedule allows.
There is always something to do there, from sorting clothing to organizing it, working on the food pantry,  or who knows what else.  See you there!

other Events

For a complete list of classes, services and events, visit our Events page by clicking the button below.


Daily Word

A Unity Publication
Daily Word® is a source of joy, inspiration and encouragement for a million plus readers worldwide.  This publication offers inspiration, insight and divine guidance to people of all faiths. 

Care Team

Care Team Prayer Line 817-251-2341
At Center of Unity, we believe in the transformative power of prayer.  Our Care Team is always available to support you in confidential prayer.  All prayer requests in our ministry are forwarded to Silent Unity, who joins us in continuous prayer for 30 days. 

Bible Interpretation  

"Interpret This" with Rev. Jacquie Fernández    
Have you ever wondered how a specific Bible verse might be interpreted metaphysically? Interpret This provides greater insight into the hidden meanings of the Bible. 

Give Online

To make a donation, please click on “Donate”
There are many ways you can support COU ~ with your love and prayers; your presence at Sunday services, classes, workshops and other special events; and with your financial support, too. 

Get The COU App

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Members of our community share a message about how COU has inspired spiritual growth in their lives.

How it all started...

In 1982, a group of friends sitting at a kitchen table were inspired to begin Unity Church of Northeast Tarrant County, a church where people could take a positive and practical approach to Christianity.  In 1997 we moved to our current location at 1650 Hughes Road in Grapevine, Texas.  In 2016 we changed our name to Center of Unity (COU).  In 2018, our founding minister, Reverend Carol Record retired.

We are affiliated with Unity Institute, Unity Village, the Daily Word, the International Association of Unity Churches, and Silent Unity, the worldwide prayer ministry.

Our Mission

We inspire spiritual growth through prayer, education, and sacred service.

Our Vision

Centered in God, we envision a world free of judgment and filled with love.

Our Core Values

Unity is part of the larger New Thought movement that started in the 1800's and continues to grow today.  Without the heavy dogma, judgment and rigidity of some traditional churches, Unity is a positive, practical, progressive approach to Christianity based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and the power of prayer.  We honor the universal truths in all religions and respect each individual’s right to choose a spiritual path.
  • Spirit-led: We are open to guidance from Spirit and seek it in all that we do.
  • Service: We lovingly serve our spiritual community and the community at large.
  • Inclusive: We embrace the unique and diverse experiences of everyone.
  • Joy: We express deep and abiding feelings of peace and delight, acknowledging the Christ in each of us.
  • Prosperous: This church receives and accepts abundance in all forms, including friendship, financial good, and prosperity.

Unity Principles

Each day we create the environment and opportunities for personal transformation through our practice of spiritual principles.
There is one presence and one power in the Universe;
God the Good, omnipotent.
The divinity is in all humankind.  
Jesus was not the exception, rather the example.
We have direct access to God through prayer and meditation.
We create our life experiences through our way of thinking, feeling and acting.
We can demonstrate now the good we desire.