Growing together.
Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.
Our youth program provides opportunities for pre-teens & teens to connect, learn and grow as spiritual and human beings.
Through Sunday-morning sessions and regional retreats and rallies, they have an opportunity to express the spiritually abundant life as taught and demonstrated by Jesus, the Christ.
Through Sunday-morning sessions and regional retreats and rallies, they have an opportunity to express the spiritually abundant life as taught and demonstrated by Jesus, the Christ.
Uniteens (6th - 8th Grade)
This age group is wrestling with the transition from childhood to adolescence. We recognize the unique challenges and perspectives of preteens and meet them head on. Through varied forms of interaction and teaching, Uniteens engage today’s issues with timeless Unity principles. They get the resources and support to not only make it through these tumultuous years, but to thrive.

YOU (9th - 12th Grade)
Y.O.U.’s purpose:
Some functions of the Y.O.U. are to:
- To introduce teens to Unity principles.
- To help teens understand and practice these principles in everyday life.
- To involve teens in prayer and meditation experiences.
- To promote the ideal of individuals working together and enjoying fellowship, worship, study and service.
Some functions of the Y.O.U. are to:
- Provide a weekly opportunity to explore a concept in Truth.
- Provide an environment of security and safety for the sharing and exploration of feelings.
- Create an atmosphere of total acceptance to help young people establish their own identity, self-worth and confidence, and a feeling of “belonging.”
- Help young people explore and seek a set of values for themselves.
- Help students define their own purposes for living and develop a method of finding answers to life’s complexities.
- Help students develop a sense of interdependence through working together in a supportive, non-critical environment.
- Introduce new ways of communicating with self and others based on the principles of affirmation, denials and beholding the Christ in all people and situations.
- Expose the YOU'ers to their own personal power through creative self-expression and service activities.