“What is the essence of life?
To serve others and to do good.”
~ Aristotle

Volunteers are a vital part of our spiritual community.  Our volunteer program is based on the truth that each of us has spiritual gifts or unique talents to offer one another, and these gifts are woven together to create a vibrant and growing spiritual community.  There are opportunities for volunteers each week in Sunday services, Youth and Family ministries, office and community programs.
For more information or to discover the right place to share your gifts, fill out the form below.

Volunteer Duties

  • Volunteers should arrive at church by 10:00 am for prayer and preparation.
  • Greeters will greet people at the door, directing them to the Welcome Desk to sign in and mentioning the availability of the monthly bulletin there.
  • Welcome desk/checker will welcome people and sign them in, obtaining the phone number of new people.
  • Ushers will assist in guiding congregants to the front of the sanctuary, or by row, during the offering invitation.
  • Bookstore clerk will staff the bookstore after service once a month.  This position will receive a 20% bookstore discount.

Volunteer Sign Up